Sleep with peace of mind

Vous placez le confort de bébé au cœur de votre éducation ?
Vous souhaitez du 100% naturel et de fabrication française ?
Vous recherchez un lit ergonomique et maniable ?

Que ce soit pour la maison ou pour le lit crèche appelez nous dès maintenant au :

S’ il te plaît, dessine-moi un lit
without bars.

Say, can you make it
as soft as a nest?

A nest for toddlers, make the dream come true...

This little one, which is in all of us, suggested to me one day that I design a resolutely new bed for him, one that would break with the existing one.

The quality of sleep, which accounts for more than half of a child's life, is a key for its proper development.

I have based my observations on my accompaniments to the nap. Peaceful sleep in a protected environment guarantees quality sleep.
un univers protégé est garant de la qualité du sommeil.

What could be more inspiring than the image of a little bird nestled in its cozy nest?

Au fil de mes dessins, NidLIT est né, et de nombreuses étapes ont été nécessaires afin de privilégier une esthétique novatrice, tout en répondant aux contraintes techniques fondamentales pour la sécurité.

Nidlit: A gentle atmosphere
and intimate, an invitation to dreams

Nidlit is a concept, a different way of putting your child to bed and leaving him or her in the arms of Morpheus in complete peace.
Disruptive and innovative, Nidlit ensures the child's emotional security, respects his privacy, while allowing him to see the outside and protecting him from surrounding sounds.
It offers organic shapes, all round, and containing as is the womb of a mother.
Its ergonomic design facilitates moments of exchange.
It is made of noble and natural materials that provide solidity, softness and thermal regulation.

From home to community,
a new environment for sleep

Nidlit meets the ergonomic rules and hygiene standards required in the community.
Compliant with the childcare equipment NF ISO 17025 reulations..
It allows the optimisation of dormitories in the community and accompanies the little ones while respecting their psychomotor development.

Nidlit is designed for parents with reduced mobility:
With its adapted height and curved shelf, it makes carrying your child easier and gives you the pleasure of sharing the time of bedtime.

Une conception technique innovante

« à chacun son nid ! »

Nidlit Cigogne

En hêtre galbé, modulable grâce à ses pièces de jonction en acier. Matelas sur mesure inclus.

Nidlit Colibri

En hêtre et peuplier, idéal pour les petits espaces, montage facile.

The details of a
quality french manufacture

en bois insonorisante

Fabriquée par des entreprises labélisées PEFC
« Promouvoir la gestion durable des forêts »


Robust and silent castors.


Robust and silent castors.

Metal Structure

Steel assembly parts machined in Bordeaux

Textile Ornament

Entièrement déhoussable et lessivable.

Oeko-Tex cotton fleece and voile

Disponible en blanc, gris,  blanc/gris

Le sigle Nidlit est brodé en Auvergne

With dummy clip
connected to a bird figure

Textile Ornament

  • Fully removable
    and washable.
  • Oeko-Tex cotton fleece and voile
  • Disponible en blanc, blanc /gris, blanc/tilleul, rose poudré, bleu clair.
  • The Nidlit logo is embroidered
    in Auvergne
  • With dummy clip
    connected to a bird figure


Patented locking system.


Confectionné par un Artisan d’Art du Forez.
Coco latexé – Nappe de coton
Enveloppe lin – Respirant et thermorégulateur.


Made by a craftsman
d'Art du Forez.
Coco latex - Cotton tablecloth Linen cover - Breathable and thermoregulating.

Made in France

The creator

Early childhood educator, then director of a crèche.
I am passionate about the world of the little one.
Listening to your needs is at the heart of my approach.

The creation of Nidlit has been a rewarding adventure.

Nidlit is now installed in a nursery, and the feedback from the observation grids made by the professionals validates
what I expected:

"When the child falls asleep peacefully, he quickly detaches his gaze from that of the adult to contemplate the foliage. He no longer wakes up if we go inside in the dormitory to raise another little one. Sleeping deeper and longer, he wakes up quietly, ready to explore the world. “


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